Accredit Multi
Designed to simplify the complex processes of managing accreditations across multiple venues, leagues, teams or events.
Taking accreditation to the next level, Accredit Multi allows organisations wanting a bird’s-eye view and sharing of data across multiple sources to streamline the process, creating an efficient single point of data entry and re-use of data to maximise efficiencies whilst enhancing safety and security across the organisations.
Take your accreditation to the next level
Developed for sports leagues, federations, multi-venues and major events where multiple accreditation systems could be used, Accredit Multi allows all parties to sit within one database to allow, where needed, for the cross sharing and re-use of data but at the same time offering dedicated section of the database for the single party.
Highly customisable technology platform
Set-up multiple organisations, teams, games, venues, events, all in one platform to their individual needs, including bespoke designs, branding, matrix, communications, forms, role and access zones.
- Manage league wide (multi-event) datasets under one hub: Apply Multi-Venue Owner’s (league, federation etc) security and operational best practices and principles as standard to all “tenants” (single users – teams/venues/games/events etc) including access protocols, zone privileges for specific functional groups.
- Provides a holistic administrative view of all “tenants” with full auditing but under the gaze of the Multi-Venue Owner.
Responsible Organisation Portals
Empower stakeholders by delegating application responsibility and take the heavy lifting of data entry away. Take the ownership of the process and ensure all stakeholders and their staff are accredited, without sacrificing security and safety.
Privilege Matrix – the workflow engine under the hood
Set best practice access and privileges across the league / multi venues with a standardised matrix/es but still with the functionality to make changes on a tenant (single user) level.
Powerful data authentication tools
Manage duplicates, easily spot errors and potential threats. Manage individuals and groups on a single record and/or bulk basis.
Manage zones, roles and functional areas
Improved security for stadiums and venues – make sure the wrong people are not in the wrong places.
Dedicated application portals for “all stakeholders & applicants”
Dedicated application portals for “all stakeholders & applicants” including media, concessions, football operations, security, league officials, venue staff.
A true game-system
Portal users will save time from game to game, season to season, venue to venue and will have a toolset to better manage and re-use stored information.
Operational efficiencies
Set events and zones up in clicks, seconds and minutes.
Communications and Reporting Functionalities
Powerful communications and reporting functionalities allow you to gain unmatched insight into your operations across your organisation.
Secure log in for “Single Users” (Tenants) and Admin Users
A dedicated secure log in page to all users of the system. The log in page can be branded to your specifications’ look and feel with use of a high resolution image to represent the event.
Tools to speed up the application process
Powerful tools to speed up the application process including
- Bulk import – including logic built in to prevent incomplete data entering the system
- Bulk invitation emails
- Customisable registration forms
- Register from previous games functionality
Built to manage multiple integrations (HR, volunteer management etc.) across multiple venues.
Time saving photo tools
Full photo editing and management suite – better photos, better security.
Scanning and Access Control
Barcodes, QR codes, RFID – Integrate with existing systems or use Accredit mobile access control.
Simple, quick printing in house direct from the system
Supporting unlimited badge design you can “output / print” to anything and reduce/remove the costs required using a printing provider/ supplier.
Time to talk?
To organise a time to talk about how your system can be adapted to increase the safety of your events when lockdown restrictions are eased, please request a system demo or drop us a line on the details below and we’ll schedule in a time to discuss what you need.