Accredit Swift

Fundamental accreditation tools to capture data and print accreditations in-house for smaller scale events. 

Secure log In for Administration users

Accredit Swift provides a dedicated secure log in page to all users of the system. The log in page can be branded to your specifications’ look and feel with use of a high resolution image to represent the event. In addition, to boost security, Accredit Swift provides a standard forgotten password button for those who have misplaced their password.

User Licences

Accredit Swift provides your event up to 3 user licences for the duration of your event with Accredit Solutions. User licences allow your event administrators the ability to access the system simultaneously should there be a need for multiple staff to be operating at the same time regardless of location or time zone. As the system is web based, any changes to data within the system will be made in real time and updated instantly.

Event Set Up

As part of your use of Accredit Swift Accredit Solutions will work with you to set up your event within the system on launch. Our team will ensure that your event logo and event specific information is ready to go, your event roles with Accreditation zones are configured so that when your applications begin to arrive into the system, the right role and zones are assigned automatically.

Event Group Account

Accredit Swift provides you access to a Group Account to register and manage your data for your event all in one place. Whether you wish to register Accreditation data manually, by invite or by import through an excel spreadsheet, review submitted information, approve or cancel applications, all the tools are here for you to deliver the above for your event.


Accredit Swift provides the ability to register data for your event in a number of ways:

  • Register manually: Populate a registration form with all the required data to create an application for an individual.
  • Register by invitation: Obtain email addresses of the individual(s) you would like to register and send invitations via email with an encrypted link to a secure registration form.
  • Register by Import: Export data from a HR system or database, populate an Accredit Swift excel import template with the data and import including photos directly into the system.


Use Accredit Swift to ensure that your event data remains clean of any duplicates. Accredit Swift identifies any existing data that exists for your event and restricts the same data from registering into the system more than once.

Search Functionality

Use Accredit Swift to review any applications made for your event. Sort by a range of fields including name, event role, registration status. Enter and update information where required including reviewing, adding and replacing individual photos submitted for applications.

Automated notifications and emails

Use Accredit Swift to send notifications to applicants so you don’t have to. Send  automated messages for invitations to applicants, registrations made, more information required, approved or rejected decisions and much more.

Export data

Export all the data received for your event into an excel spreadsheet. Use the exports to review, report and verify information.

Accreditation Printing

Accredit Swift provides you the opportunity to bring printing Accreditation in-house and reduce/ remove the costs required with using a printing provider/ supplier. Whether you wish to print your Accreditation badges individually or all in bulk, the decision is yours. Accredit Swift works with a host of different printing solutions to ensure the right type of Accreditation badge is produced for your event.

Accreditation Badges

Use an Accredit Solutions badge template to display personal identification details, event role information and Accreditation zones. Include your own brand specifications with logo and colour schemes with a professional look for your event.

Other Solutions include:



Accredit Media


Accredit 365

Access Control

Time to talk?

To organise a time to talk about how your system can be adapted to increase the safety of your events when lockdown restrictions are eased, please request a system demo or drop us a line on the details below and we’ll schedule in a time to discuss what you need.

+44 (0)203 904 7681

Get in contact with us